
Package Redirection Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Package Redirection service for shippers.  Please read them carefully.

  1. By using this service you represent and warrant that you have authority to bind the shipper to these Terms and Conditions pursuant to which you are requesting this redirection.
  2. Payment for the Package Redirection service must be made by pre-authorized credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) payment, unless you have a commercial billing account with Canada Post. Billing will occur upon successful redirection. For payment terms, please see Section 8 of the Parcel Services Customer Guide.
  3. Many factors may impact on Canada Post’s ability to redirect the package and you acknowledge that although Canada Post will endeavour to give effect to your redirection request, successful redirection is not warranted and expressly disclaimed.
  4. (a) Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the following packages will not be redirected:
    • Items where the redirected address is outside Canada.
    • Items confirmed to be Out for Delivery or Delivered;
    • Any item not (or no longer) in the Canada Post domestic mailstream.
    (b) Canada Post may in its sole discretion refuse to redirect, or restrict redirection to “return to sender”, items that it considers of a sensitive nature (e.g. financial documents, items related to medical care, passports, etc.)
  5. In the redirection of a package requiring Proof of Age, the minimum age originally selected by the sender will be maintained upon redirection.  
  6. Upon successful capture and redirection, you may receive email notifications of package redirections. Tracking will also be available via your usual Canada Post tracking means.
  7. Your request for redirections voids any on-time delivery commitment on the part of Canada Post. However, a new estimated time of delivery for redirected packages will appear on tracking reports.
  8. Canada Post cannot, and does not, accept any liability for direct, indirect, general, special or consequential damages howsoever arising (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) from your use of the Package Redirection Service.
  9. You will indemnify Canada Post, against all claims, damages, losses, fines, expenses (including all legal fees and costs) and/or any other type of liability that arises from your redirection request.
  10. Canada Post may in its sole discretion and without notice (a) modify, suspend or cancel the Package Redirection Service; and/or (b) amend these Terms and Conditions.
  11. By using this service, you understand that, if you request or cancel a redirection, any person in your enterprise with access to the service will be able to see your first and last name on the Package Redirection history page.
  12. If you have a shipping agreement with Canada Post, these Terms and Condition are in addition to the terms and conditions of your shipping agreement, and any contradiction or inconsistency will be resolved by giving precedence to these Terms and Conditions notwithstanding anything elsewhere to the contrary. If you do not have a shipping agreement with Canada Post, these Package Redirection Service Terms and Conditions are in addition to Canada Post’s online Terms of Use.