Need more information?
For more details, read the terms and conditions for small businesses or for larger-volume shippers.
Prices start as low as $69 for 3 months and vary depending on the size of the postal box, the location (for example: urban centre or rural area) and length of rental. Price subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply.
Small businesses can purchase at the post office. Larger-volume mailers contact 1-866-757-5480.
You’re the only one with keys to your locked Postal Box.
We have more than 5,800 post offices located across Canada. Some offer 24 hour access or extended hours for your convenience.
You keep the same PO address even when you move or temporarily relocate.
You can convert your commercial PO Box to automated billing. Contact the Commercial Service Network (CSN) at 1-866-757-5480 with your customer number.
Businesses with a Canada Post contract get this feature at no cost.
We can help you track and manage your rentals –each box has a unique ID on your invoice.
You can rent your Postal Box for 3 months, 6 months or a year.
Choose your Postal Box size:
For more details, read the terms and conditions for small businesses or for larger-volume shippers.