News releases

November 23, 2011

Posted in News Releases

Canada Post dispatches 9,000 volunteers to help Santa with his mail
“It’s been snowing letters,” says Santa

November 23, 2011

Posted in News Releases

(North Pole, H0H 0H0) – In response to a missive sent this week by the North Pole, more than 9,000 postal elves have been dispatched to help Santa answer the thousands of letters that are arriving each day. The Santa Letter Writing Program, now in its 30th year, is set to break the 20 million letter mark this year, and Santa has again requested Canada Post’s help to ensure all letters are answered and delivered.

“Once again, postal elves are rising to the challenge,” says Sally, Santa’s Chief Elf Officer. “Even though they’re busy delivering greeting cards and parcels to every home in Canada, they’re also donating hours upon hours of their time to help Santa’s mailroom go through hundred of thousands of letters.”

Letters started arriving in July, but recent weeks have seen a significant increase in letters from all over the world. More than one million letters are expected to be delivered to Santa’s mailbox before the holidays. This year, Santa’s postal elves will spend an average of 21.1 hours each volunteering to help Santa answer more than 1 million letters and emails in 30 different languages. Overall, 19.5 million letters have been delivered to Santa over that last 29 years.

This year, Santa will take a few minutes every week on Canada Post’s YouTube channel to read some of the letters received that week. A special twitter account (@H0H_0H0) has also been set up to help Santa communicate directly with children (young and old) 140 characters at a time. “Santa is no slouch when it comes to using the new technology,” says Sheldon, Santa’s Chief Technology Elf. “Santa will be using Twitter and YouTube to share stories and letters from the North Pole.”

It’s important for children to include their return address so Santa can send them a reply letter. Parents and caregivers are asked to send the letters by December 19. Santa’s address is:


Emails can be sent to Santa, or you can watch Santa on YouTube, via:

The Canada Post Santa Letter-writing Program is an employee-led volunteer initiative – with employees (current and retired) donating over 190,000 hours of time – supporting literacy by encouraging children to write letters, promoting correct addressing and the joy of reading.